The quality and safety of our products are the objective and mission behind our daily activities. To ensure we offer excellent products to our clients and guarantee a safe, sustainable and efficient production system, we have chosen to certify our working method with the most prestigious and strictest international standards.
Our company system has received the Quality(ISO 9001:2015) and Environmental ( ISO 14001:2015) certifications from the Italian Institute of Plastics and we are working to achieve certification for safety in the workplace (ISO 45001).
Our valves and fittings are certified based on the highest safety and resistance standards. Compliance to the UNI EN 1452 standard is guaranteed (for certified products) by the international certification bodies IIP, KIWA, NF, WRAS, BSI. Our PE100 fittings are certified UNI EN 12201 for water transportation, UNI EN 1555 for gas transport and UNI EN 15494 for industrial application.