Privacy Policy

The following document includes relevant information on the personal data handled by Comer S.p.a..

We invite you to carefully read this document before forwarding any kind of personal data and/or fill any electronic format within the website being provided under art. 13 of UE.REG 2016/679 (GDPR) for this website exclusively (therefore not valid for other websites that the user may access thorough a link).



  1. A) Data Controller
  2. B) Processing Personal Data
  3. C) Legal Basis and Aim of Processing
  4. D) Procedure and Duration of Processing
  5. E) Classes of Data Subjects
  6. F) Rights of Data Subjects


  1. A) Data Controller

Data Controller is Comer S.p.A. having their registered offices in  Casarza Ligure (GE), Via Tangoni n. 30, C.F. 00978350106 and P.IVA 00174820993.


  1. B) Processing Personal Data

B.1.) Navigation Data

The computer systems and the software procedures disposed for the functioning of the website do acquire, while operating, few personal data the communication of which is implicit in the use of internet based communications protocols. That is a case for IP addresses (Internet Protocol) for the names of the domain of the computer used by the users that are connecting to the site, for URL addresses (Uniform Resources Identifier) and for resources requested, for the timing of the request, for the dimensions of the file obtained as a reply, for the code used to identify the state of the reply from the server and for the other parameters related to the operative system and the computer based setting of the user. That data are used only to provide statistic and anonymous information on the website use, and to check its proper functioning. Such data may be used to ascertain liability in case of eventual criminal claim, damaging the website.


B.2) Data Voluntarily Provided by the Data Subject

The voluntary disposal of personal data to Comer S.p.A (also thorough E-Mails) will entail the acquisition of them in order to reply to questions posed and/or to start a negotiation and/or a contractual relationship.


B.3) Cookie

This website uses cookie disposed by third parties. For any further information you are invited to read the cookie policy on this website.


  1. C) Legal Basis and Aim o Processing

The personal data provided will be processed by Comer S.p.A. for the following aims exclusively:

  1. to complete a registration on the website;
  2. to use the data in the E-Mails received as a contact and in the forms to request specific replies;
  3. to start and maintain contractual and pre-contractual relationships;
  4. to execute already existing contractual relationship

In fourth cases above the processing of personal data is legally grounded on your request of registration and/or information and in the pre-contractual or contractual relationships that are expected to start with Comer S.p.a.. The delivery of data is not mandatory, and nevertheless, should they be missing, it will not be possible to process them and, consequently, to perfect your registration on the website, or to reply to the questions that may rise, or to start a pre-contractual or contractual relationships.

  1. to allow marketing and/or promotional activity

In order to allow the development of that further processing activity it is necessary to obtain consent. Such consent shall be free, so that should such content be denied, no marketing activity will then be performed.



  1. D) Procedure and Duration of Processing

The data acquired will be processed by Comer S.p.a. in respect of the principles of legality, correctness, transparency, limited to the aims of their conservation and minimization of the data correctness, integrity and privacy.

The personal data processing will be performed through paperwork, electronically and by internet, throughout logics strictly linked to the aims above evidenced and, nevertheless, with the full respect of the cautions necessary and provided by the pertinent laws, aimed at assuring the protection, integrity and availability of the data, and to avoid damages, material or immaterial, (for example: a loss of the control on your personal data, or a limitation of the rights, discrimination, loss, identity ousting, financial losses, prejudice to the reputation).

The personal data shall be processed for the entire length of you subscription to the above said website, or for the duration of the contractual relationship or, in case of cancellation, and/or end of the relationship, for further 10 years in order to fulfill the obligations provided by the law. Such period being elapsed, Comer S.p.a. will delete the personal data.


  1. E) Classes of Data Subjects

In order to correctly perform all the activities due to the processing in order to fulfil the aims of this notice, the following addressees may process personal data:

  • employees of Comer S.p.a. in charge of personal data processing. To those subjects specific instructions have been provided regarding the safety and lawful use of the personal data;
  • third parties that perform activities connected with those of Comer S.p.a., that have been appointed Data Processors.


  1. F) Rights of the Data Subject

At any time, under the Law, a right exists to request Comer S.p.a. the access to personal data, the rectification of the same, their cancellation, as well as a revocation of their consent or a limit to their processing. An opposition to the processing may be issued along with the portability of the data.

The above said rights may be exercised through an E-Mail to be sent at the address: or writing to Comer S.p.A. (Casarza Ligure (GE), Via Tangoni n. 30).

For an assumed violation of the rights set by the Law A claim at the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali (according to the indication present at the website

Privacy Policy



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