COMER S.p.A. on the roof of the World

COMER S.p.A. on the roof of the World - COMER S.p.A.

From a small artisan business to a confrontation with large operators: always with the same family management

From an article published in La Repubblica on Tuesday 29 March 2011

Interview with Stefano Compagnoni, COMER S.p.A. owner

“I have never abandoned the artisan imprint, the one that today allows me to find specific solutions for each customer, and to quickly understand how to solve a problem. COMER S.p.A. makes products that must follow strict standards, established by certification bodies, different from country to country, and having to transport water and liquids, they must pass complex tests to ensure maximum safety, precision and quality. In addition to these aspects, we are able to be flexible in the applications of the articles for our customers, which always vary ”


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